Design Management Lectures at Bilgi University
Fulden Topaloğlu will be lecturing Design Management courses at Istanbul Bilgi University from February to June 2016. Design management course is part of the 4th year curriculum of industrial design department and focuses on the relationship bewteen design and business.
The course will examine design management in different business contexts and overview major concepts, and activities that are central to the field, with a focus on the skills and approaches necessary for the successful management of design activities. It will give an overview of how organizations can utilize design as a strategic business resource and inspect different design activities carried out inside organizations. Additionally, it will explore major topics and issues central to managing design activities with a strategic outlook, such as: design in relation to business goals and strategy, design in relation to other business functions, design in relation to the society, the customer and the user, the role of design in innovation, the role of design in marketing and branding, etc.